
Sunday 7 May 2017

Mysterious Encounter (OP Fan Fiction)

Source: Google Image

It is all start with that gaze.

It was raining that evening when I was accidentally tripped over the stairs as I walked out from a restaurant. He suddenly offered to treat my wound. That is when I learned he was one of the Shicibukai. I never met up with any of Shicibukai before and meeting up face to face with him scared me. He seemed to realize my feeling and assured that he won’t do anything bad. He treated my wound while I seated in a corridor pathway. He was accompanied by a ‘talking bear’ who I believed was one of his crew. He looks so calm while treating my wound. But he didn’t smile. His eye gaze looks unusual for a normal people. Not that I scared or anything but there’s something in his eyes. 

Just when I tried to speak towards him suddenly a young man with Straw hat approaching him from behind.

Waaahh….It’s really you, Tra-guy! Nice meeting you here!” 

Said the young man. He got shocked for a moment but steadily replied the man.

Mugiwara-ya! What are you doing here?”

We are short of food supply so we’ve made a visit on this island to restock. You know, some certain idiot man has been eating all the meat.” 

Said a blonde haired guy.


Laughed the Straw hat man.

Tra-guy..It’s really nice meeting up with you again after the incident at Marineford. I’m really grateful for your help during that time but never get the chance to properly thank you. Arigatou-ne!” 

Said the Straw hat man with a wide smile.

It’s nothing personal. I just saved you on a whim. So don’t be grateful as we are actually enemy to begin with.” 

He smirked. 

Hmm…I was wondering what does a Shicibukai doing here.” 

Asked a long black-haired lady with a smile.

Shicibukai? Are you one of the Shicibukai, Tra-guy? Sugoi!” 

Said the Straw hat.

His expression suddenly change. 

Well, now..I hope we’ll meet again.

"Ehhh…you’re going already? How boring…here I thought of inviting you to be one of my Nakama.” 


He’s laughing again.  

Hell no. Now please excuse me.” 

Said the Shicibukai.

Ummm…Mat-tte..Shicibukai-sama…t-thank you for your help.” 

I thanked him. He replied me with a smile and slowly walked out from the scene.…aren’t you one of a beautiful lady.” 

Suddenly the blonde-haired guy approached me with a wide smile and gently held my hand.

“Greetings to you, madamoiselle.

I was a bit shocked due to his sudden act. But suddenly a guy with green hair said,

Cut it out, ero-cook”.

Nani, mori mo..”

They started to bickering at each other.

"Just ignore them both. They always like this. Who are you anyway? You somehow look different compared to the citizen in this island. You’re not a pirate, right?"

Said a curly long orange-haired lady.

So they are PIRATES.

"Ahh..yeah…I’m Yuki from the land of Marijoeis.. I was on a business trip with my father."

I replied to her. 

She seemed to be stunned to my reply but try to soften her gestures.

"I see…so you’re one of the Marijoeis people. How interesting.

Said the black haired lady arching her eyebrows and suspiciously looking at me.

I do understand the public view toward us the Marijoeis. I know it very well. 

"Marioe? What kind of food is that?"

"It's Marijoeis Luffy. You really don't know anything.."

Said a long-nosed man while shaking his head. 

"Nanda. How boring."

The Straw hat man called Luffy started to walking and looking around the town. 

I chuckled a little while looking at their action. They seems so carefree.

How I wanted to be like them.

Before I realized, a pink-haired lady suddenly approached me from behind. 

"Yuuki-sama. There you are! We’ve been searching for you everywhere! It’s time to go."

 Gracefully, she reach out her hands out towards me.

"Oh. Lilia-san...yes..." 

I saw my father inside the horse carriage and quietly went back with her.

I glimpsed at the group of the Straw hat pirates and bow my farewell. 

They smiled and waving hands. 

It was nice meeting up all of them especially those shicibukai who has treated my wound. Even if it just a while, I’m grateful to have been experience some kind of mysterious feeling that I have never felt before.


Credits: Eiichiro Oda-sensei for the characters.
Original storyline by E.Eve 2017.

  • Sorry for my bad English writings T.T 
  • Instructive and supportive comments/views is highly appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

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