
Monday 10 April 2017

Dataran Bengkoka, Pitas

Dataran Bengkoka is located in Tanjung Senimpul, Pitas. Pitas is one of the furthest north district in Sabah that took around 3-hours drive (by car) from Kota Kinabalu. Personally I think this place is quiet an open space suitable for commercial scale activities.

From what I know is that local authorities have made this place as a center for the Annual Festival called Pesta Bengkoka (Bengkoka Festival). The festival usually takes place May every year in conjunction with the district level Harvest Festival. 

Replica of lobster as a landmark of this place. 

The seaside view.

Do not mind me XD

There are few stalls hut nearby the landmark area but it looks idle, lack of maintenance I guess? I also saw buildings that supposed to be the R&R (Rest & Recreation Center) place but have yet to be operated. I think this place is still in development progress. I hope the relevant management will continue to develop this area as I believe this place has a tourism attraction site potential that might attract more visitors; with more additional facilities that is. 

Thanks for reading.

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