
Thursday 22 September 2016

Otafuse 2016

So, I'm Cosplaying as Haruno Sakura (anbu & ninja war shippuden version) for this event XD Happy as I finally reunited with Team 7! Hahaha..

Team 7. Different version xD

oh. What are u doing Naruto xD

Excited meeting up with fellow Anbu xD

Sasuga- eh..Sasuke xD

Kawaii :-*

Don't go, Sasuke xD

Ah...they are fighting again..

Black stopped them...haha

Don't torture the titan guys xD

Harley and her puddin'

Power Rangers to the rescue xD

Oh just a titan, nothing weird hehe..

Sawako chan

Bonus picture. Coz the princess is so beautiful :-* Later I found out that she won the cosplay competition! Congratz!

Thursday 1 September 2016

Hiking @Bukit Perahu, Tamparuli

Hiking is one of the booming trend nowadays. If you are into hiking, I would like to recommend you to hike to Bukit Perahu which is located in Tamparuli, Sabah. 

This was my first hiking experience by the way and it was quiet an enjoyable yet adventurous memory I had. 

Quite a rocky hill.

You can see a lot of rocks while hiking this hill.

FYI, this hill is actually considered as scared place to the Christian (Roman Catholic) community here in Tamparuli. Every Good Friday morning, they will hike this hill for commemorating the crucifixion of  Jesus Christ. That why you can see the cross statue near the summit specially built for this purpose. 

The view of Tamparuli Town from the top

Another view from the hilltop.

You can see another hills from the peak.

My nephew and niece...I went hiking with them ^^ congratulation for getting posted on my blog haha...

At the peak. A lot people went for hiking that day.

Way to downhill.

Thanks for reading.

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